Muscat Les Princes Abbés 2012

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Technical details

Type of wine:

  • Dry
  • Medium dry
  • Mellow
  • Sweet
  • Alcohol: 12,21º
  • Acidity: 3,91 grs/l
  • Appellation: AOC Alsace

Food & Wine Pairings

I like to taste this wine for its own sake, as an aperitif, but also along with meals...


Muscat is a very ancient grape variety, first mentioned in 1510. Of eastern origin and very different to the sweet Muscat, it is the result of a blend of two grape varieties, Muscat d’Alsace grapes and Muscat Ottonel. (Blended in equal proportions at Domaines Schlumberger).


Muscat is a delicate, very sensitive grape variety. This wine mainly comes from the Bollenberg and Bux plots. Being very difficult, our Muscat is unfortunately not available every year.


A blend, in equal proportions, of two varieties of Muscat d’Alsace and Muscat Ottonel. The grapes are pressed pneumatically followed by static settling of the must. Fermentation takes place in temperature controlled tuns from 1 to 4 months. The wine is raised on the less for 4 months and bottled within the year.


I like to taste this wine for its own sake, as an aperitif, but also along with meals. Ideal with Andalusia gazpacho, salmon sushi, real tomato mozzalera salad with basil and fresh goat cheese. To be seved at a temperature of 12°C.

Learn more about food & wine pairing


The robe is pale yellow with light green reflections, of average intensity. The  disk is bright, limpid and transparent. The wine is agreeably young.

The nose is frank and pleasant, with great intensity. We can perceive a dominance of floral aromas, such as lily, lily of the valley, rose, fine exotic touches of mango, passion fruit and a touch of spices. Airing enhances the previous odours and reveals fresh fruits, white peach, Williams pear and fine notes of mint and chlorophyll.

I find this nose amazing. Its complexity and concentration give this wine an accent of Gewurztraminer. I love this airy style. A great nose !!!

The onset in the mouth is medium-bodied. The alcohol support is balanced. The wine evolves on a medium with a frank vivacity, marked by a sparkling note. The range of flavor is splendid. Dominated by floral aromas, we can perceive rose, lily of the valley, lily, exotic fruits like passion fruit, mango and white flesh fruits such as peach and William pear, always with these airy touches of mint. We perceive also a hint of bitterness. The finish has good length, 9-10 caudalies, a frank vivacity with a slight touch of bitterness. I love this balance, this airy concentration. The profile of this wine is close to perfection. The health of the grapes and its vinification are exemplary !

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